Quality of Service (QoS)

How to submit jobs to slurm?

When you submit a job in a slurm-based system, it enters a queue waiting for resources. The partition and Quality of Service(QoS) are the two job parameters slurm uses to assign resources for a job:

  • The partition is a set of compute nodes on which a job can be scheduled. In DAIC, the nodes contributed or funded by a certain group are lumped into a corresponding partition (see Contributing departments). All nodes in DAIC are part of the general partition, but other partitions exist for prioritization purposes on select nodes (see Priority tiers).
  • The Quality of Service is a set of limits that controls what resources a job can use and, therefore, determines the priority level of a job. This includes the run time, CPU, GPU and memory limits on the given partition. Jobs that exceed these limits are automatically terminated (see QoS priority).

For DAIC, Table 1 shows the QoS limits on the general partition.

Table 1: The general partition and its operational and per-QoS per-user limits; specific groups use other partitions and QoS
*infinite QoS jobs will be killed when compute nodes go down, eg, during maintenance. It is not recommended to submit jobs with this QoS.
PartitionQoSPriorityMax run timeJobs per userCPU limitsGPU limitsMemory limits
Per QoSPer userPer QoSPer userPer QoSPer User
generalinteractivehigh1 hour1 running-2-2-16G
shortnormal4 hours100003672 (85%)2160 (50%)109 (85%)64 (50%)23159G (85%)13623G (50%)
mediummedium1 ½ day20003456 (80%)1512 (35%)103 (80%)45 (35%)21796G (80%)9536G (35%)
longlow7 days10003240 (75%)864 (20%)96 (75%)25 (20%)20434G (75%)5449G (20%)
infinite*noneinfinite1 running32-2-250G-

See Quality of Service definitions

On DAIC you can check the QoS policies with the sacctmgr command:

$ sacctmgr list qos
      Name   Priority  GraceTime    Preempt   PreemptExemptTime PreemptMode                                    Flags UsageThres UsageFactor       GrpTRES   GrpTRESMins GrpTRESRunMin GrpJobs GrpSubmit     GrpWall       MaxTRES MaxTRESPerNode   MaxTRESMins     MaxWall     MaxTRESPU MaxJobsPU MaxSubmitPU     MaxTRESPA MaxJobsPA MaxSubmitPA       MinTRES 
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------------------- ----------- ---------------------------------------- ---------- ----------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------- --------- ----------- ------------- -------------- ------------- ----------- ------------- --------- ----------- ------------- --------- ----------- ------------- 
    normal          0   00:00:00                                    cluster                              DenyOnLimit               1.000000                                                                                                                                                                                                                cpu=1 
     short         50   00:00:00                                    cluster                              DenyOnLimit               1.000000 cpu=3562,gre+                                         65536                                                           04:00:00 cpu=2096,gre+                 10000                                      cpu=1,mem=1M 
      long         25   00:00:00                                    cluster                              DenyOnLimit               1.000000 cpu=3144,gre+                                         65536                                                         7-00:00:00 cpu=838,gres+                  1000                                      cpu=1,mem=1M 
  infinite          0   00:00:00                                    cluster                              DenyOnLimit               1.000000 cpu=32,gres/+                                         65536                                                                                          1         100                                      cpu=1,mem=1M 
interacti+        100   00:00:00                                    cluster                              DenyOnLimit               2.000000                                                       65536                                                           01:00:00 cpu=2,gres/g+         1           1                                      cpu=1,mem=1M 
   student         10   00:00:00                                    cluster                              DenyOnLimit               1.000000 cpu=192,gres+                                         65536                                                           04:00:00 cpu=2,gres/g+         1         100                                      cpu=1,mem=1M 
reservati+        100   00:00:00                                    cluster          DenyOnLimit,RequiresReservation               1.000000                                                       65536                                                                                                  10000                                      cpu=1,mem=1M 
 influence        100   00:00:00                                    cluster                              DenyOnLimit               1.000000                                                       65536                                                                                                  10000                                      cpu=1,mem=1M 
guest-sho+         10   00:00:00                                    cluster                              DenyOnLimit               1.000000 cpu=200,gres+                                         65536                                                           04:00:00 cpu=128,gres+                   100                                      cpu=1,mem=1M 
guest-long          0   00:00:00                                    cluster                              DenyOnLimit               1.000000 cpu=200,gres+                                         65536                                                         7-00:00:00 cpu=128,gres+         1          10                                      cpu=1,mem=1M 
    medium         35   00:00:00                                    cluster                              DenyOnLimit               1.000000 cpu=3352,gre+                                         65536                                                         1-12:00:00 cpu=1466,gre+                  2000                                      cpu=1,mem=1M 

How to use QoS in your sbatch scripts?

In your sbatch.slurm script you can specify the QoS with #SBATCH --qos=... option.


#SBATCH --job-name=hello-world
#SBATCH --partition=general
#SBATCH --account=ewi-insy-reit
#SBATCH --qos=short               # This is how you specify QoS
#SBATCH --time=0:01:00     
#SBATCH --nodes=1        
#SBATCH --tasks-per-node=1        
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=2        
#SBATCH --mem=1GB                
#SBATCH --output=slurm-%n-%j.out  
#SBATCH --error=slurm-%n-%j.err

srun echo 'Hi, from Slurm!'
sleep 30  # Wait for 30 seconds before exiting.

QoS for reservations

In case you have a reservation you need to specify --qos=reservation and `–reservation=. You can find an example here.